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Zoho Learning

Zoho CRM
  • Zoho CRM
  • Enter each of the people that you are working on sample scenarios for and first create them as friends. Put in sample notes and progress them to a transaction. do each step along the way until the file is closed out for each of them. Learn how to upload the documents, see what is required and why. If you have any questions please consult Stacey, but please progress it as far as you can on your own and make a list of questions all to cover at your One Zoho CRM review meeting with Stacey.
Zoho Mail
  • Zoho Mail
  • Send and receive test messages from your cell phone and desktop computer. Install book marks so you can easily access them. Make Zoho Mail your primary email and forward all items possible there so you are only checking one email system. If you use another currently then go to that email service and go to settings and forward all emails to your new work email address.
  • Set up a signature for sending emails from your phone and desktop.
  • Set up a sample away notice and test it yourself.
  • Set up a calendar event thru email system. Edit and change some items including notes and reminders. Send it to your spouse or another friend and see how it comes in their system.
Zoho Calendar
  • Zoho Calendar
  • Import your current calendar into Zoho Calendar. Set all appropriate reminders and stop using your old calendar system. there will be an export calendar feature from old system and import it into Zoho calendar option. If you have issues call Zoho tech support.
  • Set up a re-occurring meeting with with a friend for lunch as practice and to stay in touch with them on a regular basis.

Zoho Tech Support
  • Zoho Tech Support
  • Call Zoho tech support with any issue. see how they log in remotely to solve it. Big or small. Understand how it work, what the hours are, what they help with ect. It is good to know what to do before you have an issue. My guess is you will need to call them with something for this initial learning of Zoho.
Zoho Wiki
  • Wiki Link
  • Do research on some past TNT topics that you have interest in and see how the wiki works. choose 3 items to research from TNT and see that you fully know how to use it.
TNT Page on ARE
    TNT Page on ARE
  • Go to the Acquisto Real Estate page and find the Acquisto TV section. Watch a few past episodes of TNT from there. Figure out how to share 2 topics on the next 2 TNT Tuesdays. Tag Shana in the post so she knows it is complete.
  • Search the TNT page in the search bar for 2 topics… reverse 1031, and a day in the life of a real estate broker— Mike… take your photo with the results page and send to Mike as proof.
    Share 2 topics that are not covered in either the wiki or TNT page that you want covered on TNT that would help your career. Send in the same email as the photos of your completion of this item.
Web Meeting
    Zoho Meetings
  • Adopt your web meeting of preference… Zoho meetings is included in your service, but Zoom is better. Schedule a meeting in Zoho meeting– invite a friend to the meeting and host it so you can learn the software. Send them the recording of the meeting and upload it to a sample client file in Zoho CRM.
  • Have another agent– your mentor or peer host a Zoho meeting and you participate as a participant not host from your desktop and your phone. see the experience so you know what is like from the client perspective so you can help if they have any issues.
  • Do the same for Zoom and compare which you like best.